Saturday, November 16, 2013

We LOVE you, weekend!

  Weekends are great because we don't have to work!  Really, its not that work is so bad.  Ross and I have really great jobs, and that's more than most people can say.  Its not that our jobs are easy or we don't have hard days, because we do.  We just can't complain.  We have great coworkers, bosses, etc.  The obvious reason why we love weekends.... is because we have ALL day to spend with Palmer.  We don't have to worry about obligations, or making sure the diaper bag is all prepped, or if he has enough diapers, or if he's being good and napping well for the sitter.  The weekend is our time.  We get to read books, play games, watch a cartoon or too, and play with the dogs (one of Palmer's all time favorite things).  This morning, before Palmer's nap time, he and I read books, cuddled, and had some great quality time.  If I could freeze these moments for eternity, I would.   After Palmer went down, I walked into Ross and my bedroom.  I looked at him, with teary eyes.  My heart was overflowing with love.  I am so grateful for our family.  I am so thankful for time that we get with Palmer.  I have always appreciated it, but now that I am working, it is my number one priority.  Palmer is, hands down, the best thing that we have ever done.  He's not always easy, and truly, parenting is the hardest thing we have ever done, but I could not imagine our life without this ornery little child.  Before we had Palmer, we just didn't get it.  We didn't understand how another person could be so much of a priority.   I keep thinking - one more week of work, and then I have a week off.  I am so thankful to have next week to look forward to, but for now, I am so thankful for this day with each other, and with Palmer!

A couple weeks ago, we lowered Palmer's crib.  He's is pulling himself up to standing, and cruising.  We often come in the room in the morning, or after a nap to this happy face standing at the edge looking up at us, or sitting in his crib playing with his seahorse.

 To say that Palmer loves bath time, is total understatement!  When we stand him up at the end, he gets jello legs... he just doesn't want bath time to end!  It is pretty funny.  We love watching him get his personality.  He really is such a happy boy!

All good things (like bath time) must come to an end.  Like Ross' PJ pants?!  These two guys are my FAVORITE!


  1. Oh my goodness I need to get my hands on that baby boy! He is just SOOO darn cute!!!!

  2. Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks! It feels like its been too long! Maybe we need to get together sooner?!
