Wednesday, March 27, 2019

March Adoption Update!

  Our home study visits are complete, as well as our psychological evaluation.  And now we start our second "go" at waiting. Our first round of waiting, was when we gathered all of our paperwork and waited to schedule our home study.  Now that we have everything on our end complete, we need to wait on the approval from our agency.  
   Something I have learned already, is that there is a lot of waiting in adoption.  (and we're just at the beginning!)  But there is also sanctification in waiting, as well.  While I'd love for every process to go smoothly, and I pray for that daily, I also see that there has been blessings in the waiting as well.  Back in February, had our home study process gone a little quicker, we might not be adopting from Korea, or we might have had to have a complete home study update, tacking on even more time.   It hasn't been that long, but I can already look back, and be thankful for how that waiting helped us. 
  A HUGE step, is having our draft of our home study, on the desk at our agency.  In fact, it was something I prayed for, and even this weekend, prayed that our home study would make it to our agency this week.  Monday afternoon, we learned it was sent!  That was HUGE!  While this doesn't sound like a big deal, even this past Friday, we were scrambling to get more documents to our home study social worker.  I felt like this home study would never end.  But right when I'm thinking that it was going to drag on forever, I was able to see a glimmer of hope.  When I read that the home study was to Holt, I almost cried.  It was answered prayer, and much sooner than we were anticipating! 
 So now we wait on home study approval, which will most likely take a few weeks.  Once approved, we are in the line to be matched with a child in South Korea. 

I dream of that day.  I dream of that face.  It doesn't feel real, but one day it will be.  And all this hoop jumping with be SO VERY WORTH it!  We love this child, and look forward to the day that we can hold them in our arms!

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