Thursday, December 12, 2013


  You are nine whole months.  That means that you have been with us on "the outside" almost as long as you were cooking inside of Mommy's belly.  Every day, your personality is coming out.  Lately, you have been so mischievous!   You are testing your boundaries, and you understand the word ,"no."  You love to go for the speaker receiver (turn the settings or turn up or down the volume by accident!).  Most of the time when we say no, you stop going for it, and just look at us, or you move on to another object.  But sometimes, your naughty side comes out!  You go for it, look at us/for us, hear no, and then keep going for it.  You are a stinker, but Palmer J, you are still adorable.  (we're still going to follow through anyway!)   You are crawling all over the place, and when I say "come on, Palmer, let's go to your room," you will usually follow right behind me.  (sometimes you have a mind of your own, and take off towards the dog bowls, or the stairs... we're working on it, though). One of your latest things that you have been doing is waving goodbye or hello, and connecting the meaning.  When I drop you off at Alice's, I love it when you wave to me before I leave.  It is so special for us to see you connecting to the world around you.  Each and every day, you are acting more and more like a toddler, and less and less like a baby.
And since you are so keen on exploring your world, you have had less and less time to drink your bottle like a baby.  You started stretching out your feedings (you only have time to eat every four hours now)  Your preferred way to eat is in the form of solids.  The solids you eat are mostly pureed food, but have also started to eat baby food with pasta (at first, you would spit out the pasta), yogurt melts and puffs.  When its meal time, the dogs are your BEST friends!   (when its not meal time, Oliver's skin crawls when you come near him.  He knows you love to tug on him and Sable!)

We have been so blessed to watch you grow and change!  You are little, but you are full of so much spunk!  (It's not the size of the dog, right?!) You really do have Lerch/Jerraid/Vance/Smith running through your veins!  You love to be social!

We love you, Palmer Jerraid!!
Mom and Dad

 We kept saying "Palmer, don't grab that!"  (talking about not grabbing the sticker on your shirt).  It was frustratingly hilarious.  You just couldn't help yourself! LOL!!!

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